Cinema C + Film Reel Logo ??

August 19, 2020

Hey! Here's a mark I created a couple of years back and I am looking to find it a home, This C + Film reel concept is for sale. ?? Email me at [email protected] for enquires ??

S + Arrow + Book Logos

August 13, 2020

These are a collection of marks from a branding project I worked on a couple of years a go for They chose the third logo as the final. Let me know which logo is your favourite! ????

Amazon Kindle Rebrand Logo

August 10, 2020

Hey! This is just a concept I made around 2 years a go for the Kindle logo idea but never uploaded it, so here it is! The concept features a Book icon, K letter and Fire Icon ???? Would love to hear your opinions below ??

Den Brand Design

August 04, 2020

Hey I was challenged by @Briefbox to take on one of their awesome briefs! This logo was created for Den. Den is a smart eco home heating product that helps you manage your home heating smarter. I wanted to include these keyword and co...

Unused Effy Logo ( E + Microphone Concept )

March 23, 2020

This was an unused concept for Effy. Effy is a live voice broadcasting platform, the modern day radio for creators. The concept here features a 'E' letter + 'Microphone' I loved the simplicity of this concept. Let me know what you think ??

Goodbit Logo Animation

March 20, 2020

Goodbit logo Animation, This is a Unused logo I created for goodbit that features a 'G' letter + 'Pie Chart' The awesome Adrian Campagnolle animated this and brought it to life! Go check out his awesome work ???

Bordr Logo Concept

October 21, 2019

Logo Concept that went unused for Bordr, an on-demand import e-commerce platform. Even though this concept didn't get chosen I really loved the direction and custom type I got to work on ?? Looking forward to sharing more from this proje...

Pincode Logo

July 19, 2019

Rejected pincode logo that was still my favourite. Loved the balance of the 'P letter' + 'location pointer' concept ????

Available for new projects

Get in touch
Jordan Jenkins