FlixBus - UX case study for "Explore and experience feature"
Hello there! This is a UX case study of the "Explore and experience feature" inside the FlixBus iOS app, which I did as a practice.
After receiving very good-excellent feedback from the first case studies for FlixBus and, surprisingly, even receiving input from FlixBus designers themselves, I decided to go even further and propose a new feature inside their iOS app.
If you are asking why?
I targeted primarily people who use FlixBus regularly(7-8 times per year) for traveling.
Here you can find a link to the prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/khWLfaMzVWhKXdsv9PFXtx/UX-stage?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=16%3A3128&viewport=243%2C48%2C1.14&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=16%3A3128
What I learned
In this case study, I learned the importance of clearly defining the problems and not rushing into creating wireframes because it’s the most exciting part.
With fully understanding the most significant pain point of the user, the whole process of UX was so much easier and more fun that I fell in love with it.
If you have any comments or feedback, it will mean a lot to me if you share them in the comment section. ????