Product Page ? DigiReview 1.1
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I am here with DigiReview 1.1 Product page ??
DigiReview is the best website to check the reliability
of online retailers worldwide.
You see the seller's product and product information.
You can add to cart.
You can like it and add it to the liked section.
You can buy it.
You can visit the website.
In the upper right section you can see a special visual
photo of the product selected by the seller.
You can see the status of the seller and products by percentage.
Check whether the seller is approved. It will be quite the right decision for sellers who approve themselves for free to get a Blue tick.
You can easily access information about the product with the headings.
You can easily get answers to your questions in the FAQ section, which the seller can create himself.
You will also have access to photos of the seller's selected product.
You will have quick access to the content of the product
with a single word expression.
And here is the Pricing section, where users can easily access prices, and where user-friendly prices are named and their features are written one by one, which you can look at before purchasing.
We conclude with product reviews. This section is designed
to be very useful for users.
Here, the section where you can ask questions to the seller and the area where you can write a review about the product have been developed.
We divided the reviewers into 2 groups.
1- Those who bought the product
2- Users who did not buy the product.
Users who buy the product and write a review have a separate Tag.
We call them "VERIFIZIERTER KAUF". Verified Purchase.
This is exactly the method we have developed to prevent competitors
trying to discredit sellers' products!
Thank you if you have read this far
and checked out the designs!
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