UI&UX design of a transparency-led pricing page | Lazarev.
And we’re back with a design breakdown for 11Sight, a B2B SaaS inbound video calls & customer engagement platform.
Let’s dive right in ??
This time we talk about the pricing page ??
This is where transparency and trust are crucial. Without ensuring your webpage has both, you risk losing prospects. People need to know what they are about to pay for and do it friction-free.
With that in mind, our UI&UX design approach led us toward a responsive layout with a toggle button.
The latter helps website visitors compare options and choose a pricing plan that suits them best ??
Our design team capitalized on visual accents to play a strategic role.
They add an engaging vibe to the page and, more importantly, set customers' focus on the most profitable plan, encouraging them to go with this specific one.
So how do you think we did? Let us know with a comment, like, or both ??