Super Connects — a project (EXPERIEMENT)
?? Here's a fun initiative I got to work on while at
How might we help you stand out when it comes to online matchmaking?That was a core question the team and I challenged ourselves with. Super Connects was a way for one to reach out to a prospective profile.
Think of it as a Super Like, and that's what it'd do and more: From highlighting your profile to listing it at the top; it was challenging to think about all possible scenarios where such a feature might be abused, and how one would go about from balancing the visual noise, to algo-based ranking.
The flow
For those who want to send a Super Connect. This is how we had planned the flow and the interaction
For those who receive a Super-Connect, this is how their experience was designed as:
Project Status
While the scope and feature held promise, at the time, we made a decision to not take up this project for the quarter as it would have clashed with other experiments in the pipeline and could have contaminated the data from other sources.