Vizard Rebrand
Vizard Brand Evaluation
Video con-tent is a?key pil-lar to suc-cess-ful con-tent mar-ket-ing strate-gies, but tra-di-tion-al video edit-ing soft-ware has a?steep learn-ing curve and high price tag. Tar-get-ing non-pro-fes-sion-al video edi-tors, Vizard has to feel effort-less for the time-strapped con-tent mar-keters and social media man-agers try-ing to get a?time-ly Reel pro-duced and pub-lished. Appro-pri-ate-ly, the Vizard team iden-ti-fied their brand attrib-ut-es as Effort-less, Trans-for-ma-tive, and Essential.?
From there, we arrived at their Sin-gle Most Impor-tant Thing (SMIT): Enchant-i-ng-ly Intel-li-gent. The new Vizard brand need-ed to cap-ture that sense of mag-ic when a?tech-nol-o-gy works effortlessly.
From a?brand stand-point, Vizard’s com-peti-tors blend togeth-er in techy blues, gra-di-ents, and non-de-script sans serif type-faces. You could eas-i-ly research each com-peti-tor and strug-gle to remem-ber which is which; that meant an excit-ing oppor-tu-ni-ty for Vizard.
Click here to view the full case study.
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