Apex Wheels Case Study
Based in California, Apex Wheels has over 15 years experience creating function-first, race-proven wheels, designed by an in-house team of full-time engineers who are diehard motorsport enthusiasts. Started in 2007 as a passion project, Apex has grown into a team of 30+ staff members across 9 states, and a warehouse with over 15,000 wheels in stock.
Auto racing’s seen an explosion of flimsy “fashion wheel” brands that pretend to be high-performance. Apex is different—engineering elite racing wheels at an unmatched price point.?They were delivering unbeatable value to drivers—superior performance for less—but other brands were claiming to offer the same thing, at the same price, except it was really just junk.?Apex is fixing this problem with their core ethos: “Real performance.” A pledge to show customers the truth—or die trying. End of story.
Earlier this year Gold Front asked us to work with them in the art direction and new brand design for Apex and its case study.
Full Case Study
Brand Studio: Gold Front
Creative Direction: Josh Lowman
Design Direction: Frank Lionetti
Design: Gustavo Rodas, Tyrell Cerveny
Art Direction & Case Study Design: Asís