Coge Pausa
Coge Pausa - PODCAST
"Coge Pausa" is an interactive podcast where the main objective will be more than interviews, but rather hanging out with friends and, above all, eating xD.?
For the creation of the logo, we sought to implement several elements with which we can represent what we want to convey with it, thus seeking a more fun, humorous and above all "unique" touch.
Coge Pausa?2023?- Visual Identity
"Coge Pausa" Es un podcast interactivo en donde el objetivo principal será más que entrevistas, si no pasar el rato con amigos y sobre todo comer xD.
Para la creación del logo se buscaba implementar varios elementos con los que se puedan representar lo que se quiere transmitir con el mismo, buscando así un toque mas divertido, jocoso y sobre todo "único"
Coge Pausa?2023?- Identidad Visual
Concept:?For the creation of the logo, we sought to implement several elements with which we could represent what we wanted to convey with it, thus seeking a more fun, humorous and above all "unique" touch.
Exploration:?We vectorized two different concepts, thus looking for what we had in mind to represent said project, we explored and made variants until we found the one that best suited our ideality for our identity.
Exploration:?We vectorized two different concepts, thus looking for what we had in mind to represent said project, we explored and made variants until we found the one that best suited our ideality for our identity.
Colors:?Our first option was to use pastel colors but when we thought about it we decided to use vibrant and striking colors.
Creative Director:?Enmanuel Jimenez
Enmanuel ?2023?All rights reserved