Game of Thrones Dogs
See all the pictures here:
A while ago HR at my company approached me with the idea of doing a themed (Game of Thrones) company trip and asked that I design some designs for the t-shirts that they were planning on printing for everyone so I incorporated all of the company dogs and their personalities into the house banners.
Stark - Modeled by Lutece the corgi
Lannister - Modeled by Butters the yellow lab
Targaryen - Modeled by Chewie the yellow lab
Tully - Modeled by Ghenghis the pekingese
Baratheon - Modeled by Winston the lab mix
Tyrell - Modeled in no particular order by Koa, Bodi, Oslo, Gizmo, Mozzie, Rocky, Ghost, Lyra, and Tyrion (yes really…)
Martell - Modeled by a rawhide and a Kong toy