IBM Agile experience—Teams, Learning, Tools

The first portion of our IBM Agile experience—an ambitious goal to equip teams at large enterprises with the means to use the tools they want, learn how to successfully practice various Agile, Design Thinking, and Continuous Delivery methodologies, and then be able to measure their success as a a team—that we’re rolling out is an educational experience for internal teams at IBM mainly focused on practices and courses, with the addition of the tools currently available to them today.

I will have more detailed micro-interactions to come, but this was the last piece of the puzzle: figuring out a “logged out” home page that introduces each part of the experience thus far, with a few main highlights.

I led the design and development of this experience, and assisted with the software engineering, user research, and product thinking,

Thanks to my team (who’s not on Dribbble) for helping me knock this one out of the park. Im excited for our next challenge as a sister team take takes over the evolution of this learning experience!

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