I’m Jose Felix, Creative Web Developer and Designer. I love to craft top-tier memorable websites with unique interactions, captivating animations, and clever effects.
From Threejs to Motion and Design Thinking, my comprehensive skillset and solid experience in the industry, allow me to help you solve any design or code challenge and grow your business.
Design Frameworks: Design Thinking
Design Tools: Figma, Sketch, After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop
WebGL Frameworks and GLSL Shaders: Three.js
JavaScript Frameworks: React, Next.js
JavaScript Libraries: GSAP (GreenSock Animation Library), Lodash
JavaScript Architecture and Build Tools: npm, Webpack, Vite.js
Template Engines: Pug, JSX
CSS Preprocessors: SCSS
CSS Architecture: BEM, SMACSS
CMS (Content Management Systems): Prismic, Shopify
Backend: Node, Express.
Deployment: Vercel, Netlify
Member since Oct 2018
Top Specialties
Web Design
UX Design / Research
UI / Visual Design
Work History
Product Designer at Coppel 2018–Present
Frontend Dev/Designer at Coppel S.A. de C.V. 2017–2018
Freelance or contract opportunities
Full-time opportunities